Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mid-Week Reads: Work, Education, Appearance


Loved this post (hat tip: Aishwarya) because it's kind of along the lines of my own outlook towards clothes. I love clothes, don't get me wrong, but unbrushed hair, frayed shorts and faded t-shirts are my uniform, especially as I work from home as much or more than from office. But I do have a beautiful purple top.  


As someone who likes eating lunch alone, I sympathized with this letter-writer.

Blogging and Social Media

Facebook's Subscribe button was long overdue.

Books and Education

I liked and agreed with this review of the White Tiger, a book that I loved that was much-maligned by critics.

What teachers really want to tell parents.

And in some of the best news I've read recently, the University of Pune is planning courses for sex workers.

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