Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Wish you, all of you who come here regularly and leave encouraging comments, all of you who come by regularly and don't comment, and all of you who just dropped by, a very happy new year.

May this year bring us all more peace, more hope.
May fewer women be raped or killed.
May fewer men rape or kill.
May we all find more love, compassion, and understanding.
Both in others for us, and in us, for ourselves and others.
May we get all the hugs we need.
May solitude bring strength and peace.
May there be plenty of laughter and meetings with friends.
May this year be the best year yet.

I want to write more often: I try and I fail. I would say I have no time -- but it isn't true, even though I'm sitting at my laptop at 8 p.m. on New Year's Eve. It's more that after dealing with clients, and product development, and writing on my business blog, and reading other business blogs, and thinking of ways to improve my business as well as my clients... my mind refuses to think any more. I want a light novel to read or a funny show to watch (on the computer, since we don't have a T.V.). I don't even talk much on the phone any more, to family or friends: even that seems too much of an effort.

But I want to keep trying, and I will. Maybe that's my resolution for 2013. I also need to work at taking care of my health though, so I'm afraid this might keep getting pushed down.

(Admin note: I updated the Other Writing page with my recent career articles for Women's Web as well as book reviews. I removed the marketing section because you can always check out my marketing writing here or here.)

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