Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Read This

I'm starting a new series. Every Wednesday, which is just far enough into the week that I begin to lose my enthusiasm for work and wish for Saturday (or even Monday, the start of another new week) to come around, I'll post links to what I've been reading, what I've liked in the past week. They'll all be feel-good reads, inspiring and funny and interesting (because we get enough bad news, don't you think?) It's also likely to have at least a couple of marketing-related reads, because that's a big part of what I read during the week.

If you want to add anything to next week's list, put in a comment below. And do let me know whether or not you like the idea: if you don't I might as well not do it, you know?

Are you different at work than you are at home? Isn't everyone? (Apparently not.) I pride myself on my ability to hide my weirdness, to appear a somewhat different person in public than I am in private. But I love that I have to do that less and less as time goes by, that at work, my work speaks for itself and I don't have to be more "normal", that in public, I'm not afraid to air my views anymore. That's one reason I like Penelope Trunk: she is undeniably weird while being successful at her work, and she's not afraid of either.

Community managers build and manage a community around a brand. Lisa Barone, my favorite marketing blogger, writes about the eight essential ingredients of a community manager. Read on if you are interested in online communities.

This photography website is by a colleague of the Guy. Check out his pictures of slums in my city. I love the pictures, and love the idea that a foreigner who is in town for a few weeks seeks out parts of the city we ignore.

Happy Republic Day, you all!


s said...

Nice !! Now i ll have something more to enjoy regularly other than the awesome voices in your head :P

Sandra Wilkes said...

Okey dokey. Keep us informed.