Monday, July 15, 2013

When You Left...

When you left I wasn't sure
who I was. Did I really like
rom-coms, or was it your head
rolling against my shoulder
when you laughed
and your hand clasping mine,
at the end, that I loved?

When I eagerly ate bag after bag
of chips, was it because I liked
the salty fried discs, or just staying up with you?

When you left I wasn't sure
who I was. Do I really like
rom-coms, dark chocolate and eggs?
After you were gone, after I'd eaten
every bag of chips still in the house
Watching rom-coms alone, crying
Where you would have laughed
And crying again where you would have cried...

I make myself smoothies
Sickly sweet, you would have said
but they do not make me sick.
This time, when I turn on the TV late at night
 I watch an action movie
Strangely fascinated by the crashes
And punches.

In the morning, I try on
every garment i have
Do I like it still
With the lingering smell of you
Now faded, everything's new and unfamiliar
Including me.

When you left I wasn't sure
who I was. Do I really like
rom-coms, dark chocolate and eggs?
Do I like sunrises or sunsets best?
Is pink really gross, are lemons bitter?
Is it always best to send a letter?
Do I like buses or are trains better?

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