Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mid-Week Reads: the Facebook Edition

Diversity makes business sense too. Get a woman on your board, Facebook!

How Facebook has changed what we do online.

For some Zuckerberg skeptics, it’s the quality and stability of the management team he has built that’s made them believers.
I also liked learning about his relationship with the long-term girlfriend he just married, which makes him look so different from the loser-without-a-girlfriend image the Social Network movie projected.

Women more likely to buy clothes when model looks like them which makes using only really thin, fair models really bad marketing (and not just racist and misogynistic).
When one mature woman saw an older model, she explained: "[The model] does more than make me feel beautiful; she inspires me to go out and get this dress and celebrate my beauty." While some women in my study felt insecure when they saw idealized models, their insecurity didn't translate to purchase intentions as the industry hopes; it actually turned them off the product. As one of the participants summarized: "Ads like this want us to be part of their world, but they have the opposite effect for me. I feel excluded."
Here's my review of the book Beautiful Country on Women's Web.

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