Saturday, August 20, 2011

Motorcycle Rides

I had forgotten how it feels to be on a bike. There is no shutting out the noise and dust and smoke: it's all around you. I'd forgotten how vulnerable it feels when another vehicle comes within inches of you, and there's nothing between it and your skin. It gives me a new appreciation for my car, where I can feel safe and listen to music or talk to myself or the Guy, or sing aloud.

What almost makes up for it though, are the times when we turn into a quiet leafy lane and pass through with no sound but that of the breeze brushing against us. 


Skanda said...

//when we turn into a quiet leafy lane and pass through with no sound but that of the breeze brushing against us.//

Do early morning or late night rides for more such moments. I miss my bird precisely for such rides :(

Anonymous said...

I love motorcycle rides. But I agree, I wouldn't want them too often. :)

Anonymous said...

And give me a motorcycle and I will go from Mumbai to Baroda alone on it :) I love love love motorcycles and prefer them to cars anyday..despite the horrid sun, yucky traffic and horrible pollution in Mumbai :)

Unmana said...

R's Mom: Why not get on a bike and come to Pune then? I can promise lunch!