Sunday, May 29, 2011

Susan Outwits the Experts - 3

Click on each image to enlarge and read it. Read part 1 and  part 2.


dipali said...

Read the whole series today, and loved it! How old were you when you wrote this???? Good writing!

Unmana said...

Thanks, Dipali! I think I was thirteen. Pretty good for that age, huh?

dipali said...


Anonymous said...

Unmana, a really good story. Good job for a 13 year old. Had lots of fun reading it. Do you have more of Susan's stories?

Unmana said...

Thanks, Batul! There were three series, actually. The first two were published in the newspaper and then all three were in a book published by Writer's Workshop. The first was really juvenile, and I'm not sure I have the third typed up!